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Academic Writing Amplified

Sep 29, 2020

We get a lot of questions about academic publishing in our 14,000 member Facebook group. On this podcast I’m sharing answers to the top 5 questions we see.


Writing and publishing in academia is paramount. In our Facebook group we get lots of questions about academic publishing, so I’m breaking down answers to the...

Sep 22, 2020

Do you constantly feel like there is not enough time, not enough resources, not enough publications, just not enough? This isn’t a coincidence (and it isn’t the truth). In academia we’ve been conditioned into a scarcity mindset.

An abundance mindset means you feel like there is enough of something: enough time,...

Sep 15, 2020

How do you keep your writing going during times of upheaval and uncertainty? It’s possible to keep making progress, but you do need to have some tools to draw on.


Uncertainty is a norm in our lives. Some times are rife with upheaval on a large scale, like our current moment in 2020: unknowns and extra stressors due...

Sep 8, 2020

Have you ever looked at your writing projects through the lens of economics? I’m showing you how, and why you should on this episode of The Academic Womxn Amplified.

I love listening to podcasts; they’re one of my favorite ways to give my brain a little break and think about something other than academics for...

Sep 7, 2020

It’s our one year anniversary at the Academic Womxn Amplified podcast! This calls for a giveaway.


This month the Academic Womxn Amplified podcast is having it’s one year anniversary! Our fans rave about our podcast, which is chock-full of juicy writing advice for academic womxn. We currently have 80,000 lifetime...