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Academic Writing Amplified

Feb 27, 2024

Have you ever found yourself on autopilot, cruising through familiar roads without consciously realizing it? I recently had one of those moments, and it got me thinking about the power of default mode. Our brains love defaults – those ingrained habits and routines that save energy and reduce decision-making.


Feb 20, 2024

I am back to working as the primary writing coach in our Navigate Program, and that shift has sparked some new thoughts about writing and academic writing practice.

In today's episode, I cover everything from defining the components of an enduring writing practice to the role of writing retreats in clearing out your...

Feb 13, 2024

In today’s episode, I share the role of writing retreats within the context of the Soaring System—a method I've developed for cultivating a sustainable and relationship-based writing practice. I highlight the significance of writing retreats in the Soaring writing system, addressing common misconceptions...

Feb 6, 2024

I am officially launching my new mission statement for Scholar’s Voice™! After reflecting on my experiments and expertise over the past seven years, I decided it was time to redefine the purpose, goals, and future of Scholar’s Voice™ so I can make long-lasting and impactful changes to the culture of academia.